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2025-02-14 16:45:48

Information regarding network codes for grid connection

Information about the Swedish implementation of the three network codes for grid connection (RfG, DCC and HVDC).

The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, hereinafter Ei, is the Swedish NRA (National Regulatory Authority) for electricity and natural gas.

According to the network codes for grid connection (Article 7(4) of RfG, Article 6(4) of DCC and Article 5(4) of HVDC), the relevant system operator or TSO shall submit a proposal for requirements of general application, or the methodology used to calculate or establish them, for approval by the competent entity within two years of entry into force of this Regulation.

In Sweden, Ei has been given the mandate to approve the requirements of general application by issuing secondary legislation based on a proposal submitted by the Swedish TSO, Affärsverket svenska kraftnät External link..

The legal basis for Ei to issue this secondary legislation regarding requirements of general application can be found in the secondary legislation regarding System Responsibilities for Electricity (1994:1806 External link.).

Ei has issued secondary legislation EIFS 2018:2 for connection of generators, EIFS 2019:6 for connection of demand and EIFS 2019:3 for connection of HVDC.

Please find below Ei's answers to some frequently asked questions.


Is the secondary Swedish regulation EIFS 2018:2 available in English?

No, EIFS 2018:2 is available only in Swedish. There are currently no plans to translate EIFS 2018:2 to English or any other language. Ei is however considering publishing a short guide in English at our website.

Please note that many of the Swedish words used in EIFS 2018:2 are used in the same way as in the Swedish version of RfG, which can be compared to the English version of RfG to find the meaning of the Swedish words.

We are investigating the legal requirements for connection in Sweden. We are already complying with standards. Could you please advise what procedures and requirements are in place in Sweden for connection?

In Sweden, connecting power generating facilities should comply with the European regulation RfG (Commission regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators External link.), the Swedish Electricity Act (Ellag (1997:857 External link.)) and the Swedish secondary regulation EIFS 2018:2, issued by Ei.

For connecting units that are only storage (excluding pump-storage), RfG and EIFS 2018:2 is not applicable.

In Sweden there is also a guideline published by the industry organisation Swedenergy for connecting at low voltage External link., used by many DSOs called ALP, (and there is also a guideline for connecting at high voltage, etc.).

This list is not exhaustive, please notice legislation issued by the National Electrical Safety Board (Elsäkerhetsverket External link.), for instance.

Chapter 4 in EIFS 2018:2 specifies requirements concerning "kraftproduktionsmoduler" and chapter 6 concerning "kraftparksmoduler". Where are the definitions of these words?

You can find the definitions in RfG, please see Article 2(5) for "kraftproduktionsmoduler" and Article 2(17) for "kraftparksmoduler".