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2025-02-07 03:46:33

Laws and regulations

The area of responsibility for the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate is regulated by Swedish laws and ordinances. These can, in turn, be regulated at the EU level by EU directives.

There are also EU regulations that are directly applicable in Sweden. Swedish laws and ordinances are inserted into the Swedish Code of Statutes. The provisions and general advice decided upon by the agency are published in the Swedish Energy Market Directorate's statute book.

Ei issues regulations

Common to laws, ordinances and provisions is that they are binding and must be complied with. However, the general advice constitutes recommendations and is not binding.

Ei has the right to issue regulations within a number of areas. In brief, this means that the Inspectorate decides that legislation is necessary and then writes it. The right to issue legislation is specified in laws and ordinances.

The following legislation is available to Ei

The Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate has certain legislation announced by the Swedish Energy Agency at its disposal. These pieces of legislation are known as the Swedish Energy Agency's Statute Book, STEMFS. The same applies to the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development's statute book, NUTFS. This is due to the operations of the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate being previously performed by these authorities.

The fact that the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate has certain STEMFS and NUTFS legislation at its disposal means that the Inspectorate can change and repeal them. The changes are then announced in EIFS, which is the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate's statute book.

How legislation is published

The legislation and general advice that the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate has at its disposal is published on the website in numerical order, and according to the area: electricity, natural gas and district heating.

The website also contains certain legislation and general advice that has ceased to apply. Please note that the repealed legislation may still be applicable as a result of transitional provisions.

Amended legislation is legislation that amends or repeals other legislation. The Inspectorate may reprint a piece of legislation if it is amended in order to make it easier to read.